Serving the Needs of City Residents, Businesses and Visitors.
1600 Shore Road
New Jersey
United States
+1 (609) 641-2832
+1 (609) 646-7175
City of Northfield, Gateway to the Shore
City of Northfield, Gateway to the Shore

Northfield Police Department

Northfield Police PatchThe Northfield Police Department was created by municipal ordinance in 1925 in accordance with New Jersey State Law.  At its inception the department consisted of two officers, and when they were unavailable police duties were performed by the New Jersey State Police.   Over the decades that have since passed, the Northfield Police Department has expanded to provide full-time law enforcement services to the community.  The department consists of sworn police officers, clerical support personnel, and uniformed adult school crossing guards.

The most highly visible component of the department is the Uniformed Patrol Division.  On duty 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, they provide proactive law enforcement services for traffic and criminal offenses. The Administrative Division consists of several bureaus, including the Detective Bureau, which is responsible for the investigation of criminal offenses against person and property, the Records Bureau, which maintains all department records, and School Crossing Guards, who provide a safe environment for children to move to and from the Northfield Community School.

Join Our Team

Code Enforcement

Phone: 609-641-2832 x 173
Office Hours: Wednesdays 8am-4pm

Citizen Services Program Website

The Northfield Police Department invites you to visit our new Citizen Services Program Website.  The purpose of this site is to provide an additional alternative to citizens for obtaining information or reporting certain types of incidents.  The service is free of charge but you must register for an account by following the instructions on the website.  (Use the link provided, and click on the 3 lines at the upper right of the page and then “Register” on the upper left of the page when the menu appears). Note: the site is supported by Google Chrome or MS Edge.

If you have questions about the service, contact the Northfield Police Chief at 609-641-2832 X 120.

Crimestoppers of Atlantic CountyDid You See A Crime Happen? 

Get Involved without "Getting Involved!" Submit a TIP online!  Too often, persons with vital information about crimes fail to contact the police because they fear retaliation or because they don't want to testify in court. The result of their reluctance is that many dangerous criminals who should be behind bars are still walking the streets. CRIME STOPPERS offers an alternative.

The following members of the Northfield Police Department have retired from active duty after having served this city with honor and integrity:

Name Year of Hire Year of Retirement
Chief John Wilson +  1927 1929
Ptlm. Michael Banning  1929 1946
Ptlm. Harry Gant  1934 1959
Chief William “Bud” Lever  1929 1961
Chief Howard Chambers  1944 1970
DSG. Edward Woltman  1968 1979
Chief Edwin L. Kroger 1956 1983
Chief Thomas Wolcott  1959 1984
Lt. Frank M. Silipigni  1964 1985
Sgt. Robert Webb  1965 1985
Chief Robert Shaw  1961 1987
Sgt. Lewis Cullen  1964 1989
Sgt. Ronald Cordery 1965 1992
Det. Charles J. Faisst, Sr.  1978 1995
Chief John A. Surace  1969 1996
Det. John Batchelder ** 1992 1996
Chief Raymond T. Seyler  1967 1998
K-9 Ptlm. Frederick R. Steinman 1985 1998
Sgt. John R. Hafner  1974 2000
Sgt. Ronald M. Cullen  1973 2002
Capt. John L. Glasser  1977 2002
Lt. William J. O’Donnell  1978 2003
Sgt. Walter P. Grizky  1978 2003
Sgt. Edward D. Newman  1978 2003
Sgt. William Stephens 1987 2005
Ptlm. E. Michael Trimble 1978 2007
Lt. Robert Carty 1987 2007
Sgt. Robert Bergmeister 1989 2007
Capt. George R. Clark 1985 2010
Capt. Arthur J. Faden 1988 2013
Sgt. Martin Peary ** 1997 2015
Chief Robert L. James 1989 2014
Captain Daniel T. Mitchell, Jr. 1994 2016
Ptl. Kristina Longo 2003 2017

Sgt. William Ward

1996 2019
Sgt. William Cornell 1998 2019
Ptl. Johnathan Scull** 2020 2022

Lt. Eric F. Dettinger

1998 2022
Chief Paul S. Newman 1994 2022
Capt. Steve Steinecke 1998 2024

+ Died in the line of duty

** Sadly departed this life while actively employed

Camera PhotoThe Northfield Police Department has made a decision to deploy Body Worn Camera (BWC) technology.  The department is deploying WatchGuard Vista BWC’s, shown in the photos.  The Uniformed Patrol Division will wear these BWC’s on their uniforms in the center chest area, also shown in the photo.  These BWC’s will be utilized consistent with the New Jersey Attorney General’s Directive, Atlantic County Prosecutor’s Directive and Northfield Police Department Policy. 

Body Camera Location photo


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2-27  City Council SPECIAL Meeting - Budget Workshop City Hall Council Chambers
Time: 4:00pm

3-4  City Council Meeting City Hall Council Chambers
Time: 6:00PM

3-6  Planning Board Meeting City Hall Council Chambers/Zoom
Time: 7:00 p.m.

3-18  City Council Meeting City Hall Council Chambers
Time: 6:00PM

3-22  FREE Rabies Clinic City Hall Fire Station, 1600 Shore Road
Time: 9am-11am

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