1600 Shore Road
Northfield, New Jersey 08225
Fax: 609-646-7175
Office Hours: Monday - Friday
8:30am to 4:00pm, excluding holidays
Robin Atlas, Tax Collector/Registrar of Vital Statistics
609-641-2832 ext 127
Email: ratlas@cityofnorthfield.org
Nadine Erwin, Deputy Tax Collector/Deputy Registrar
609-641-2832 ext 126
Email: deputytax@cityofnorthfield.org
Bill Johnson, Tax Assessor 609-641-2832 ext 128
Email: assessor@cityofnorthfield.org
Office Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 5:30pm to 7:30pm, excluding holidays
Due Dates
Feb 1st 1st Quarter Real Estate Taxes
Mar 1st Sewer Bill (1st of 2 installments)
May 1st 2nd Quarter Real Estate Taxes
Aug 1st 3rd Quarter Real Estate Taxes
Sept 1st Sewer Bill (2nd of 2 installments)
Nov 1st 4th Quarter Real Estate Taxes
- NOTE: There is a 10 day grace period for both taxes and sewer
- Postmarks DO NOT count
- Partial payments are accepted for taxes
City of Northfield Tax Maps - Updated Oct 2024
Frequently Asked Questions
- Can I get an e-mail reminder when taxes are due?
Yes, if you sign up for our City email blast. Emails are sent out with City information and updates at least once a month.
Register here.
- When are tax bills mailed?
Tax bills are mailed out once a year sometime in July. New bills are mailed when there is a change in ownership; but it takes 4 weeks to get the changes from the County so please contact tax office for amounts due in meantime.
- When are tax payments due?
Property taxes are billed in Northfield on a calendar year, January 1st to December 31st., in four quarterly installments, as follows:
1st quarter - February 1st
2nd quarter – May 1st
3rd quarter – August 1st
4th quarter – November 1st
There is a 10 day grace period. On the 11th day, interest is calculated back to the 1st. If the 10th falls on a weekend or legal holiday, you have until the next working day to make payment. We cannot honor postmarks. Failure to receive a tax bill does not exempt you from paying taxes or the interest due on delinquent taxes.
Delinquent taxes are subject to interest as follows:
- 8% up to $1,500.00
- 18% on balances over $1,500.00 per annum.
- Any delinquency in excess of $10,000 will be charged a penalty of 6% if not paid by the end of the fiscal year.
- How can I pay my taxes?
Tax payments may be made with check, cash, money order, or click here to pay online from the link provided.
Mail payments to:
City of Northfield
1600 Shore Road
Northfield, NJ 08225
For your after-hours convenience, we have provided a drop box in the first parking stall by the Police Department entrance (directly to the left when you pull in the parking lot). No cash please!
Click here to pay on-line.
- How do I change my address?
The form provided here should be completed, signed and returned to:
Robin Atlas
Tax Collector
1600 Shore Road
Northfield, NJ 08225
609-641-2832 x127
Fax 609-646-7175
Click here for more information.
- How do I obtain Property Record Information?
Use the online payment link (see #4, above) to look up property ownership, block and lot, or assessment information
- Can I set up automatic payments for tax and or sewer bills?
Yes, please see the Direct Debit Form for Tax and Sewer Payments for details.
Direct Debit Form for Tax and Sewer Payments
- How do I go about filing an appeal?
All appeal questions should be directed to the Assessor's Office (609) 641-2832 extension 128.
- How can I get information on property tax relief?
Visit https://www.state.nj.us/treasury/taxation/relief.shtml?
- When can I speak with the Tax Assessor in person?
The Assessor's office hours are presently Tuesday evenings, 5:30pm-7:30pm.
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