Serving the Needs of City Residents, Businesses and Visitors.
1600 Shore Road
New Jersey
United States
+1 (609) 641-2832
+1 (609) 646-7175
City of Northfield, Gateway to the Shore
City of Northfield, Gateway to the Shore

Northfield Sports Organizations

CardinalFamily Association of Northfield – Football, Cheerleading, Recreational and Travel Basketball

Little LeagueNorthfield Little League


8-1  Planning Board Meeting City Hall Council Chambers/Zoom
Time: 7:00 p.m.

8-7  NEW! E-Waste AND Metal Collection Day Curbside, private residences only
Time: 7am-3pm

8-8  NATIONAL NIGHT OUT Birch Grove Park
Time: 6PM - 8PM

8-13  City Council Meeting City Hall Council Chambers
Time: 6:00PM

9-2  Municipal Offices Closed

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